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CUHK Virtual Information Day 2020

Admission Talk of our Programmes at Virtual Info Day

Registration now and know more about our programmes and Public Health !

Date: 10 Oct 2020, Sat

Language: Cantonese (supplemented by English)

公共衞生理學士|Bachelor of Science in Public Health

  • (Session 1) 11:00am - 12:00nn

  • (Session 2) 3:00pm - 4:00pm

by Dr. Tony YUNG, Senior Lecturer Alumni Students

Registration here

【社區健康理學士|Bachelor of Science in Community Health Practice】

  • (Session 1) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

by Prof. Albert LEE, Professor Alumni Students

Registration here


Virtual Info Day 2020

【萬勿錯過】 有興趣嚟中大升讀大學嘅同學仔要留意喇!中大將會喺10月10日 (星期六) 朝早9點到下午6點舉行網上本科入學資訊日 (Info Day),介紹最新嘅入學資訊。

今年,呢個網上平台設有超過 110 個網上展位,又提供多場入學講座,仲附設即時問答時段,絕對係一站式平台,等你可以了解中大各個學科嘅資料、獨特嘅書院生活,同埋豐富嘅學習機會!

有興趣嚟我哋嘅網上 Info Day?咁就要即刻上 預先登記 ,我哋會喺 Info Day 前大約兩個禮拜,話你知最新嘅網上活動時間表,等你可以及早計劃當日嘅虛擬旅程!費用全免架,千奇唔好錯過!

【Mark Your Calendar】 For those who are interested in studying at CUHK, may I have your attention please? CUHK will be holding its Virtual Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions (Info Day) from 9am to 6pm on October, Saturday .

This online platform will showcase over 110 virtual booths, schedule a wide array of Live Admission Talks, and provide Live Chat Sessions. It’s definitely a one-stop platform for you to understand the different disciplines of CUHK, our unique college life, and fruitful learning opportunities.

You can now register at to join our online Info Day. We’ll let you know the latest Online Event Schedule around two weeks prior to the event for you to plan ahead your virtual journey. It’s free-of-charge. Don’t miss out!


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